Posts Tagged ‘ secure network ’

Securing Your Network

Securing your network can be a very challenging task, especially without professional help. There is an overwhelming amount of information about network and data security. Four things that will help prevent hackers, viruses, and other potential threats are these:

  1. Anti-Spam filter
  2. Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware/Anti-Spyware software
  3. Firewall
  4. Data Backup

An anti-spam filter can ease a lot of headaches for both employees and management. Some individuals receive hundreds (sometimes thousands) of spam emails every day. This over-load of email messages slows down your internet, puts your network at risk of viruses. The issue with a poorly running anti-spam filter is not only that it does not filter out all spam and put your network at risk, but also that it sometimes blocks good email – which can result in angry customers and lost sales.

Anti-Virus/Malware/Spyware software can help weed out the things that leak in through surfing the web. Think of running an anti-virus scan as the same as an oil change for your car – it just keeps everything running smoothly.

A firewall helps prevent hackers and malicious activity more than anything. A firewall blocks unauthorized access and communication to your network and protects your data. It is a dedicated appliance running on a computer that inspects network traffic and denies or allows passage based on a set of rules. It ensures that no private data goes and nothing malicious comes in. It regulates the flow of traffic between computer networks of different security levels.

Data backup ensures that even in the event of a disaster such as a flood, theft, hardware or software failure your data is safe and recoverable. Only 6% of businesses survive a major data disaster. Backing up data keeps it safe and secure no matter what.