Posts Tagged ‘ circle computer resources ’

Innovation, It’s What We Do.

       With several new business models, local and national business has flocked towards us. In February, we released our “Hardware as a Service” (HaaS) outsourced IT option. Although many companies have struggled in developing an effective model for this, CCR’s has been nothing short of successful. This solution has improved many businesses outlook on IT and helped them optimize employee productivity, cut opportunity costs, and enhance business continuity. This option allows business owners to keep more money in their pocket by converting a typical capital expense to an operational expense. It also takes the tension away from IT because the consumer is no longer responsible for maintenance, operations, or performance. When a company purchases HaaS, they purchase functionality and high performance without any uncertainties.

      Worrying about surprise upgrades or not being able to open the file extension with the god-awful X on the end of it (i.e. “.xlsx” or “.docx”) is a thing of the past. With licensing, hardware, maintenance, and an entire IT department (INCLUDING labor) at a one low flat rate it’s easier than ever to forecast IT costs without fear that your server will crash (there goes $7,000!), because guess what? CCR’s HaaS model has it ALL covered. Everything.

      Another area of growth and excitement within CCR is our Broadcast Monitoring Infrastructure service.

      Local radio and television run ads of all sorts. Big companies (whether its Ford, Swiffer, or Gucci) want verification that their ads are running at full strength throughout the world. Media/Broadcast Monitoring has become an important asset for many of these companies. They track their media marketing to make sure its playing the full ten times per day (i.e. the local station isn’t playing it 9 times and selling the 10th spot to another advertiser to make an extra buck) as well as to gauge results.

      At the same time, politicians and celebrities want to know who is saying what about them. These individuals and their organizations pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to track what the local, national, and international media is saying about them.  The companies that offer this monitoring service require a presence in every possible DMA/MSA in the country so that they can “listen” or “watch” exactly what is happening everywhere at once and give the company, individual, band, or organization a comprehensive world-wide report of what is being said or played.

      Circle Computer Resources has provided a solution to many large media monitoring companies throughout the United States and Canada. With this business model, the monitoring company need not worry about hardware or finding a physical presence because all of it is provided by CCR at a low monthly rate. This service can be provided with a physical location nearly anywhere in the world. We have become one of the most effective collocation providers in North America and anticipate expanding our service overseas in the upcoming months.  

     The energetic and enthusiastic CCR mentality has inspired creative business models that have exploded into a waterfall of new clients. We have survived the current economic downturn and have gained momentum with a growth rate of over 30%.

The CCR Team

Windows 7 – Do’s and Don’ts

4 Do’s & Don’ts Every Business Owner Should Know About Windows 7

Windows 7, Microsoft’s new operating system, just released several months ago, and with all the advertising buzz that Microsoft has created, many business owners are looking to know more about it. Here’s a list of Do’s and Don’ts for helping to determine whether or not a Windows 7 upgrade makes sense for you.

DO – Find out if all your software programs will be compatible.
Anytime Microsoft creates a new operating system, software companies often scramble to make their package work properly with it so there are no errors, glitches, or data corruption (a.k.a “your information deleted”). Some software companies are faster and better at this than others, so be sure to check with your software manufacturer to make sure you won’t end up with more problems than when you started.

DON’T – Hold back from getting the new computers you need.
Maybe you want to wait until Windows 7 gets the bugs out. Or, maybe it’s because you’re worried about buying a computer now that will be considered “old” when Windows 7 is officially released. The good news is you don’t have to wait. For a limited time when you buy from Microsoft-approved vendors, your new computer purchase will come with the ability to upgrade to Windows 7 for free, giving you the flexibility to have the upgrade option now and install it when you choose. Also, if you participate in Microsoft’s “Software Assurance” program for your operating system, you’ll be entitled to the new version for free as well.

DO – Know how to “shake” it.
Have you ever had a bunch of windows open on your computer and felt like it was out of control and you couldn’t find anything? Then Windows 7 might be for you. It is designed to save time for people who work on multiple documents, spreadsheets, and web pages at once by allowing you to simply shake your mouse vigorously and make all those open Windows drop to the bottom of the screen and clear up your workspace. In addition to the “shake” feature, Windows 7 also makes it easier to view and use two programs side-by-side with just one click.

DON’T – Expect miracles.
Windows 7 does truly make using your computer faster since many of the features Microsoft has rolled out to help business owners and their teams work on multiple projects at once easier to use than ever before. Initial studies are showing that it might add one to two hours of productivity to your week over previous versions. But, if you expect Windows 7 to actually do the work for you, you may be disappointed.

Windows 7 does truly make using your computer faster since many of the features Microsoft has rolled out to help business owners and their teams work on multiple projects at once easier to use than ever before.

Data Security

Are You Making This Deadly Mistake With Your Company’s Critical Data & Files?

Imagine walking into your office tomorrow only to discover that a virus, hacker, or system failure had erased every file on your computer. How confident are you that your data could be restored? If you are not backing up your network – or if you are, but have never tested your backups by performing a full system restore – you are at high risk for losing irreplaceable company files and information. We recommend backing up every night and performing a full system restore once a month to ensure your backup system is working. It’s not uncommon for backup files to become corrupt and useless, and you certainly don’t want to wait for a crisis to find out the backup system you had in place was not working.

If you aren’t currently backing up your system daily, or if you want to be absolutely certain that your backup files are valid and usable, contact us today for a FREE Data Security Consultation. We’ll come on site to test your current backup system, answer your questions, and make recommendations on how you can secure your data and sleep better at night.

Call us at 319-734-3342, email us, or visit our website

Hardware as a Service or “HaaS”

The “Four Letter Word” Business Owners Are Using to Make Their Computer Frustrations Disappear

Admit it. When your computer is behaving badly, a few choices of four-letter words have been known to come out of your mouth. While these mini-outbursts may provide temporary relief from your computer frustration, there is one four-letter word that offers a more permanent solution. the word is “HaaS”.

“HaaS” is a new acronym for “hardware as a service,” a new way business owners can gain financial benefits and peace of mind when purchasing computers, servers and network equipment. Like businesses who lease their computer equipment, HaaS customers also pay monthly for their infrastructure. This allows them to keep more cash in their pocket and gives them the tax advantage of converting a typical capital expense into an operational expense. But unlike leasing,  HaaS can also alleviate computer headaches in these three ways:

1. No more expensive surprise upgrades. If your computers or server don’t meet the minimum requirements when your line of business software releases and upgrade, you could be forced to lay thousands of dollars that weren’t in your budget. With HaaS, your computers are automatically replaced with new ones every 3-4 years, ensuring compatibility with almost ay software refresh.

2. Dealing with warranties are a thing of the past. Wit ha HaaS program, you get the equipment AND the service included in the monthly cost. Anything that goes wrong with the computer (like the inevitable computer crash just days after your warranty expires) is the provider’s problem to resolve. Plus, since HaaS computers are replaced regularly by your provider, you don’t have to settle for refurbished parts or old computers for long.

3. Finally. . . One easy to understand invoice. For those of you who already pay for your computer support on a monthly basis, you know how much easier that is to manage versus receiving dozens of confusing hourly invoices. HaaS makes it even easier by eliminating the need for most hardware and even some software invoices, giving you a truer budget number for IT related expenses.

Think of it like this: purchasing your computers with a HaaS program is like having a condo. You get control of what goes in it, yet you don’t have to worry about maintenance, building code issues, or updating the façade. Plus all your services and amenities are included in one monthly fee.

Find out if HaaS is right for you: | 319-734-3342 |