Posts Tagged ‘ bugs ’

Keeping Your Computer Healthy

Whether a home computer or a corporate network, security is important. Because hackers and those who are fighting to infect your computer are constantly evolving, the software you use also has to be. Three major things that help improve individual computers are an up-to-date anti-virus program, regularly updated patches, and current Windows Updates. Many will ask, “Why do I have to use patches and Windows Updates when I already have an anti-virus?”

Well, here’s why:

  1. An Anti-Virus alone cannot block everything. In addition to viruses, there is spyware, malware and other malicious infections that have to be prevented.
  2. A patch is a software piece that fixes security vulnerabilities and bugs. Patches are necessary to keep areas of your computer up-to-date with the latest security features. Patches are developed in order to ensure the safety of your information. These patches are created by individuals who study hacker’s styles and use the information to develop patches and combat them.
  3. Windows Updates are important in the same way patches are, except for your entire operating system. Keeping Windows Updates current is vital to a computer’s health and security.
  4. Anti-Spyware, & Anti-Malware are also extremely important for computer health. Without these, there are many types of intrusions that come through email and web surfing can infect your machine.

It is also very important to run ALL updates as quickly as possible. Hackers and software writers are constantly fighting each other and the best way to stay secure is to update often.